Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Attributes of High Performing Teams

1. Composition : A high performing team should be diverse with regard to cultures, races and gender so as to include all the perspectives and consumer insights.

2. Motivation : A high performing team has a very high motivation due to individual motivation levels, hygiene factors and leadership.

3. Leadership : A capable team has a capable leader who performs in all trying conditions by setting direction and morale of the team.

4. Cohesion : A high performing team show high degree of cohesion and low degree clique formation.

5. Team-Work : The employees are motivated to team work and their efforts always result in a team synergy of 2+2 = 5 or 1 = 1 =11.

6. Attitude : Most of the members have infectious positive attitude and zeal, which gets rubbed off on other members of the team.

7. Commitment : Most members show high degree of commitment towards their individual and team goals.

8. Communication and Trust : There is high level of trust in the team which is the result of open communication which is present in the team.

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