Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How a Failure in Exam could be a Winner in Life : By Indian Jack Welch

Well when I was at AU college of Engineering. I could not topped. Those who topped copied in all exams and were successful earlier in life.

But I got success later on in life as a successful social blogger and a clear conscience.

How a person who fails the Exam with out writing a single word is a winner in life. If the student refuses to copy he is likely to have the quality of integrity which even big Industry Tycoons lack. So this person can be a cashier at a hotel, as he is unlikely to steal. An accountant who cleared his exam cheating is likely to become a partner at a big firm which fudges and commits fiduciary crimes.

So integrity matters and is found in few. These few are the diamonds in the genetic junk of deceptive people who are sporadically spreading like epidemic in society.

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